Monday, June 20, 2011

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  • dixie
    02-13 08:40 PM
    LOL .. Shows how much you are in touch with reality yourself. A website visited by misers and doubting thomases does not a good business proposition make.

    I believe IV can charge up to $10,000 a day for advertising on the website. That would be $300,000/month or $3.6 million a year. Even $3000/day would result in over $1 million. That should not be very difficult to do.

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  • rimzhim
    02-01 02:55 PM
    Believe it or not, I know a consultant who lives in one of those "guest houses" where consultants who come from India are housed, and there is a guy who lives there whose job is to cook, clean and buy groceries for the housmates. HE HAS A GC APPLICATION PENDING! And people like me and many others who truely deserve to be hired and retained in this country are facing an uphill task of getting through the GC process.

    That cook guy came to the US with a Bachelor degree in commerce, called B.Com. He hasn't been able to get a project for 4 3 years now. He doesn't get paid by the company. He is just a freeloader living there.

    Imagine how many suck "cooks", "maids", and gas station employees might be out there clogging up the system!
    I don't get this. Who is sponsoring this person's GC? He must have a sponsor to get the EB-based GC. He can't show his job skills as cooking !!:)

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  • geesee
    07-18 09:37 PM
    Cheque clearance is a good indication.

    In other bills, I'd be happy if checks doesnt get cashed... :p But in this case, I'll be praying every day and checking bank balance to see if the checks are cashed...

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  • immi2006
    07-28 12:39 PM
    I agree house prices are falling across US, if one wants to make a quick buck, house may not be the best option. If the prices and interest rate swing, u will loose big time. It is a nice coffee talk however.

    Take for example my friend pays 40 K mortgage per year, and the house price depreciated by 60 K here. he bought it in 2004. Now if he sells he makes 60 K less, + deposit, 80 K two years rent... so in effect, he cud have lived happily for 1200 rent per month, paying abt 30 K for two years and saved the moeny and headache and now he is not finding buyers - as there are lots of houses on sale. This is one of the best areas near San Jose.

    So moral of the story is use commonsense. It is easy to give simple advices, if you do not weigh all factors age, job, how long u can repay etc, it will give u insight into affordability and the risks. We folks always look at an X or Y who made money, there are X-n people who also lost, which we tend to overlook for our convenience.


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  • gsvisu
    07-12 11:47 AM
    All right go for CHAI after the rally !

    This is a perfectly Gandhian idea:-) (He did that in South Africa)

    Let's do it... the beer part should be postponed to some other time... presumably after all categories become C:-)

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  • Slowhand
    07-19 01:50 PM
    What IV has done is commendable and unprecedented. I also think that most of us here do not know anything about the expenses incurred by IV team or money collected by IV team. It would be a good idea to be transparent in that aspect so that members can have a better understanding of the functioning of the organization and contribute appropriately. Just a suggestion; what do you guys think?


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  • a1b2c3
    04-29 08:57 PM
    As I said in the preface of the list, the bigger objective here is to take certain steps, including proper documentation (e.g. points 2, 3, 4 and 5), in order to maintain PR status. Besides, you never know what documents you would be asked to produce, given that the citizenship process involves more extensive background checks than the GC process. Also, having a log of exit/entry details (point #5) should help quickly fill out Part 7 of the citizenship form (

    almost 1735 days away from N400.the form looks very long. is there again a long line for it?

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  • i4u
    11-22 09:34 AM
    anybody who has actually claimed the insurance on a diabetic visitor? My mother has diabetes, and there is always a risk with it. any help is appreciated.


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  • gc_chahiye
    11-02 04:47 PM
    I would strongly disagree that H1 = cheap labor. It's only the H1B employer who pays low salaries, where as the client pays the same billing rate to all contractors (including US citizens).

    I agree with you. I was just using those salary numbers as an example. Did not mean to imply that H1 indicates cheaper labor.

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  • raghuram
    05-08 10:55 AM
    Between and Atlas America for covering pre-existing condition, what would you all recommend?

    Definitely, Atlas America as it is a comprehensive coverage plan. Where as 's is a fixed coverage plan which only pays a small fraction of the actual expenses.

    Altas America covers $15,000 in acute onset of pre-existing conditions, while claims to cover $50,000 in acute onset of pre-existing conditions for $150,000 coverage.

    Lets take the example: Person is hospitalized for two days due to acute onset of pre-existing conditions. And the hospital charged $5,000 per day, for a total bill of $10,000. How much would you get covered in each case?

    Atlas America: All $10,000 minus the deductible (deductible choices from $0 to $2,500).
    KV Rao: $0 That is because the plan covers at $1,900/day for hospitalization. Therefore, the total coverage is $3,800 but you have a $5,000 deductible. Therefore, you get nothing. Tricky, isn't it? It is not what it seems.

    Lets say, even for the new condition. You need a surgery that costs $40,000 (not an unrealistic amount). How much would you be covered in case?
    Atlas America: All $40,000 minus the deductible that varies from $0 to $2,500.
    KV Rao: Even with $150,000 coverage, they cover only $6,000 for surgery. You have to pay $34,000 out of your pocket.

    The list goes on regarding how Atlas America is better than KV Rao's.


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  • ilikekilo
    03-03 02:47 PM
    Thanks ilikekilo, I'll check out IMG. Even with the rider for pre-existing condition, the coverage is limited to $15000 max, so I decided it isn't worth paying the extra premium for such little coverage.

    check this out, seems like they cover pre exosting with some limitations

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  • chanduv23
    02-01 03:12 PM
    There is one more thing that not many people are aware of.

    Let me ask eveybody. Even after all this, why are these Desi consulting companys successful in the market? They have poor quality product (People with forged Resume), they are not charging lower rates, but still they are able to put there people in Projects?

    there is demand. Lot of demand. Bloating of resumes is common practice. Blaming desi companies only is hipocracy and prejudice.

    Mom pop brother companies file for GCs for relatives who work in gas stations, these are not to be compared to regular staffing company. These mom pop companies are formed by immigrant community of various country immigrants in association with lawyers who exploit a loophole in the system. These are not restricted to Indians in general. One morre thing is contract marriages, where agencies + lawyer arrange a contract marriage and get the person here and get citizenship. These are more common with mexican, latino agencies.

    A lot lot of shit can be talked about people who want to immigrate in some form or the other, thats why I say "hypocracy" or lack of knowledge by members when they blame IT consulting companies for the situation.

    A lot of scrutiny is now in place and consulate officers look at W2s and a lot of things are going on the background to make sure system is used in correct ways.

    So if you think you can make a "scapegoat" out of consulting companies and blame them for retro etc.. that may not really help people.

    Small, big companies, lawyers, agencies, govt, etc... none of them are neutral. They look for themselves. So consstantly blaming consulting companies will not really help the cause.


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  • anzerraja
    07-19 08:45 PM
    There is a funding drive in this other thread towards reimbursing Aman's expenses.

    Could you please pledge an amount ?

    No. It's not a typo. I had met Aman in a conference in December. He was talking about selling his house to contribute to IV (I really hope he didn't have to). But he has contributed a small fortune to this effort.

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  • Legal
    11-07 02:09 PM
    1.Audit the companies that are suspected to abuse the H1B program i.e. enforce the laws that are already in existence.

    2.Impose heavy fines on these companies.

    3.Use this money to cover the costs of auditing and enforcing the laws.

    How will raising the H1B fees for everyone in a blanket fashion address the current "abuses"?


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  • nitinboston
    05-14 10:39 AM
    I know some here just cant hear/consider another point of view, but by calling me names and being so upset, they only convince me further. GC pursuit has taken over lives of some. I so wish one had better pursuits in life.
    And bout calls for kicking me out, this section for analysis/discussion. If you want to throw everyone out whom you dont agree with, rename it to 'agree with me' section.

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  • Macaca
    02-15 01:54 PM
    As soon as some one expresses his frustration, person is automatically labeled as a bad guy.

    A short digression to an answer.

    Most CS undergraduate curriculums have a 4 course sequence CS-1, CS-2, CS-3 and CS-4. This means that CS-3 is pre-requisite for CS-4, .... In CS-4 it is not possible to answer CS-1 questions. The instructor gets irritated if you do that.

    Your following concerns are covered in Retrogression 101.
    1. Things change in DC. Core had some info in Dec/Jan that changed.

    2. No one can promise anything. Bush is the most ardent supporter of CIR but can (will) not get it done.

    Nothing happening as some core members wrote in very optimistic tone about Feb 15. No congressman is even talking about it lately.

    Are core members trying to just enroll more by giving hollow promises?

    It is very irritating for someone in Retrogression 401 to answer Retrogression 101 questions at the rate of 1 per day with no desire to be educated.

    I have tried to answer a Retrogression 101 question in Issues surrounding Immigration Voice's disclosure of Funds ( My answer was from a URL without my opinions. This thread was devoted to this one person. The answers had no effect on the person. We wasted a day on it.

    Forget contributions - find other ways to survive......

    A lot of people, including me have lost faith in IV. They are not going to pay. We don't know what IV is working on and we don't believe it can do anything. The sooner IV accepts it, the better. I have seen this personally in talking to people and you can see the evidence with less than 300 people contributing. IV needs to produce results first.


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  • cooldude
    07-18 11:44 PM
    I-140 on 6/07 & pending
    I-485 arrived to NSC july-1st @10:10 pm
    status unknown.
    My lawyer sent me the fedex tracking sheet for the I-485 package sent to:

    Nebraska Service Center
    850 S Street
    Lincoln, NE 68508

    I did not see any PO Box on the Fedex tracking sheet. I am not sure if she put the PO Box on the shipping label or not??

    Is it a big deal?? Will my application be accepted.

    Please help
    Edit/Delete Message

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  • senthil1
    03-10 08:09 PM
    Eb2 will be always better positoned as the spill over from Eb1 and other countries happen towards the end of the year. If there is some spillover for Eb3 then waiting time will decrease based on the numbers given.

    QUOTE=ashatara78;325297]The next step should be to reply to the senator mentioning that the data is ambiguous and asking for a more clear response. Is it I-140 or I-485, does it include families etc. etc.

    Also explain to them that based on these numbers, it will take X years for a person to get a GC and that the system needs reform.

    I have worked with a senator's office for a completely different matter and they are very responsive - since you have caught their attention and already have a file open, it will be helpful to respond with a concise letter so that you can get more accurate information.[/QUOTE]

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  • sbindval
    07-19 02:36 PM
    You are an inspiration to all of us in the IV community.
    You are selfless and humble and these are amongst the most noble qualities a leader can have.

    09-17 01:54 PM
    Why don't our respectful CA gentlewoman gives up on this small issue??

    07-18 05:27 PM
    I saw some postings saying that USCIS can assume the name check is done and is OK if FBI does not get back in 6 months and thats how they managed to approve all those cases in June, is this correct?