Sunday, June 19, 2011

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  • msngroups
    05-25 03:28 PM
    At the end of day, what matters is PEACEFULNESS. Once the feeling comes that PEACEFULNESS is no more here, pack up !!!!!!

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  • B3NKobe
    06-07 11:15 AM
    Skinning the wheel is too easy, all you have to do is plop the graphic down and set the blending accordingly. Leaving the wheel stock makes it harder because you gotta get the elliptical out.
    Woohoo!! Support!! :D

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  • cableching
    08-25 02:21 PM
    I think SBI is best in convesion rate and also the time it takes to transfer the money.

    ICICI gave nearly $1 less than prevailing rate they had on their website.

    Even if you send a check, you get better rate if you deposit into an SBI account in India.

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  • sobers
    02-24 09:52 AM
    Another rallly by illegals...this one by Latin Americans in Miami.


    The Miami Herald, Posted on Fri, Feb. 24, 2006 - IMMIGRATION

    McCAIN TOUTS IMMIGRATION REFORM PLAN IN MIAMI: In a Miami rally, Sen. John McCain pushes for reform that would legalize up to 11 million migrants


    Pushing for immigration reform that would legalize as many as 11 million undocumented immigrants, Sen. John McCain was preaching to the converted Thursday night at a packed town hall meeting that at times seemed part stump speech for the Arizona Republican who's eyeing a run for the White House.

    ''Our legislation will be taken up in the United States Senate within the next weeks and you've got to go to work,'' McCain told the more than 1,000 cheering and chanting supporters at a cavernous auditorium at Miami Dade College's Wolfson campus downtown, urging all to garner grass-roots support for the bill he and Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass, have co-sponsored. ``You've got to work not only here in Miami-Dade and around Florida but around the country.''

    The town hall meeting, which had the feel of a campaign rally, brought together disparate groups -- Cuban and Haitian immigrants, business and labor union leaders, Mexican farm workers and South American illegal immigrants -- all united behind the common agenda of helping the McCain-Kennedy bill prevail in the coming congressional debate.

    McCain's Miami visit, which included get-togethers with Cuban-American business leaders and young immigrant students, came on the same day that the Bush administration extended for a year a controversial temporary worker program for 304,000 Central American illegal immigrants living in the United States.


    The McCain-Kennedy bill would grant temporary work permits to illegal immigrants and then after waiting six years and paying a $2,000 fine, it would enable them to apply for green cards.

    It is the most generous of the bills now before Congress. A bill passed by the House in December seeks to criminalize illegal immigrants, impose stiff penalties on employers who hire illegal immigrants and target for prosecution anyone, even religious or advocacy groups, if they help undocumented migrants.


    Salvadoran President Elias Antonio Saca, meanwhile, teamed up with South Florida's three Cuban-American U.S. representatives in Miami Thursday to thank President Bush for ordering the continuation of TPS.

    Emilio Gonzalez, the head of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, told The Miami Herald that TPS extension reflected an administration policy to "help our neighbors and do the right thing in their time of need."

    The Miami Herald reported last month that Homeland Security officials were debating ending TPS for Central Americans. That spread alarm in the immigrant community, triggering intense lobbying of the White House by Miami's Cuban- American representatives and Central American community leaders.

    Gonzalez said the program was extended for a year instead of the regular 18 months because that was the ''consensus'' decision.

    Saca said that when he meets with Bush in Washington today he will also urge the president to push for broader immigration reform.

    Reps. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Lincoln Diaz-Balart and his brother Mario Diaz-Balart gave Saca credit for helping to keep the program alive by lobbying hard on the issue.

    ''He is the hero of the moment,'' said Lincoln Diaz-Balart.

    Critics of the TPS program believe it has become an entitlement for certain illegal migrants -- while proponents argue it represents income and stability for poor Central American countries.

    The extension covers about 225,000 Salvadorans, 75,000 Hondurans and 4,000 Nicaraguans. Extensions will expire Sept. 9, 2007, for Salvadorans and July 5, 2007, for Hondurans and Nicaraguans.

    Among the TPS immigrants attending the Saca press conference was Yesi Gonz�lez, 23, of Honduras, who grew up in Miami since she was 7 years old. She now works at Padr�n Cigars.

    ''I'm very happy because I was very worried that I would have to leave my job, and maybe the country,'' she commented.


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  • s_r_e_e
    06-02 09:45 PM
    I am finding Soft LUDs on all my old h1bs (from first one) over last 10 months. One of them is a hard LUD and it is about the previous employer revoking H1B. But there are Soft LUDs prior and later to that on other H1Bs. All H1Bs are from big / medium corps and no known status issues / violations. They havnt touched the 485s since FP date.

    08/19/2007 (H1B approved Nov 2000)
    01/31/2008 (H1B revoke status changed to reopend)
    04/20/2008 (I140)
    04/26/2008 (H1B approved Nov 2003)
    05/18/2008 (H1B April 2005)
    05/31/2008 (H1B June 2005)

    Any one seen this before?..

    Now that they have touched all my H1Bs , I think I will get to find out sooner or later if there they are upto some thing :D

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  • spdy_mn
    06-13 07:09 PM
    Jesus! That looks sooo risky. Yes indeed my PD is May 06. Now the question is what if (I know a big IF), but what if, I apply for my 485 (hoping that my 485 will be on EAD/AP for a long time) BUT my 485 gets approved rather quickly and I am not able to marry before that happens -- do I have *any* way to tackle that issue? Or would it then mean that my wife cannot come in US for n number of years after marriage?!

    Jesus Christ! Does anything happen without a twist?! :)

    Shishya, I am in the same exact boat as you are. No information in hand bro. Waiting for someone to shed light on this. Will talk to the attorney tomorrow morning.


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  • leoindiano
    01-30 04:31 PM
    done. Bump ^^^

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  • akred
    10-11 11:03 PM
    Nice link. When I looked at list of banks I realised that the 10% is about domestic deposits. How am I eligible for this? How can deposit and get the money back over time?

    You open a resident account in a bank and file an Indian tax return for the earnings. If you need money outside India, you can remit $200,000 per person every year (i.e. $400,000 for a couple), which is a large enough limit for most circumstances.


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  • chicago60607
    09-17 02:20 PM
    Seems like Zoe is loosing patience. She is starting to accept a lot of amendments and is some how trying get it wrapped up.

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  • ashishgour
    09-17 11:37 AM
    Guess they are reaching a bi-partisan consent about giving discretion to judges...hopefully this gets done soon..we shud be up next..


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  • vbkris77
    03-11 02:32 PM
    Couple of points I disagree,

    1. If we assume them as I485 apps, we also need to take Family numbers into account. So EB2 LCs can only be around 23000.
    2. In 2007, Perm wasn't as hopeless as it is now. So people were getting LCs in less than 3 months.

    So adding all these, here is my break up

    Year LC# EB2 LC Visa #
    2004 12000 5000 11250
    2005 7000 2000 4500
    2006 18000 8000 18000
    2007-Pre 10000 8000 18000
    2007-Post 15000 9000 20250
    2008 1500 1000 2250

    With this, if EB2 I is as lucky as last year. We should see PD of 2006 when we goto next year.

    Again it is just a guess..

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  • lonedesi
    06-07 08:34 AM
    You have expressed your thoughts so wonderfully on this issue in such a simple and sensible manner. In fact, I am enlightened with some of the things you have mentioned in your post.
    I am proud that we have such a thoughtful and knowledgeable person as part of our core group at IV. Keep up the good work and thanks for your efforts.


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  • GCneeded
    12-15 04:29 PM
    Posted my story and highlighted our cause.

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  • sathyaraj
    11-06 02:32 PM per IV moderstars inputs


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  • english_august
    07-14 12:30 AM
    Good job San Jose. Make the rally a smashing success

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  • baleraosreedhar
    11-04 11:47 AM


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  • gjoe
    01-30 05:22 PM
    I think the link provided here take to the page where questions are not sorted by either popularity or most recent ( which I assumed initially). I might be wrong.

    If anyone has a direct link to the question, please PM me and I will modify the first post to replace the link.


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  • rajagopal_04
    01-04 10:19 AM
    They handover the PP to VFS today (Jan 4th) after long waiting. My wife’s appointment was on DEC 19th at Chennai Consulate. Best of luck for you guys..

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  • Macaca
    02-14 01:41 PM
    There is no leadership problem in core : not a single thing, nada, zitto, zapata. Core has much better info for decision making then any non-core; the decision may be interim relief (I-485 filing, unused visa recapture, ...) or any thing else. My conclusion is based on my readings about immigration issues, our issue, current political situation and core posts. Core has correctly predicted Ag Jobs and Schedule A this month. We are wasting our time by debating this issue. Please educate yourself.

    Core has not misused any contribution money; it is not easy to misuse contributions made to non-profit organization. Once again please educate yourself. Besides, how much contribution money is there? However, I have very serious problems with members when Aman says that he has spent 30-40K of his own money and logiclife says that he has spent his own money on travel : shame on all members who are still sitting on their $20 and debating all other issues.

    I do have some issues with core. Some members are curious about finances and progress reports. It is much better to post such info (decided by core) rather then wasting time when someone asks about. At present, such info has been posted and is the best info available at this time.

    I also have some issues with deleting posts. Based on the contents of deleted posts, I don't think the core has much to hide. Hence, it is better to let these posts exist rather then delete them. Members who agree with these posts should be free to debate. They will not hurt IV. Deleting posts has undermined the credibilty of core.

    IV was founded by some some core and exists only because of their efforts. They have earned the right to make some decisions. Please understand that, everyone makes some mistakes and has some bad days. I request non-core to give then benefit of doubt on side shows and freak shows. We are wasting our time on these issues.

    I have very serious problems with most members. Core is negotiating with a lobbying firm. I understand that QGA was paid 60K.

    1. Where is the money for the lobbying firm?
    2. Whose problem is it to arrange money for the lobbying firm?
    3. How does discussing any issue in the forums help us in arranging money for the lobbying firm?

    So non-core, please don't worry about core. Worry about yourself. You are doing a great dis-service to our cause by debating anything not covered by the folowing.

    1. What are your responsibilties?
    2. What are your results?

    09-25 10:58 AM
    Hey buddy sc3, How are you this morning. I just have to go to a meeting in another few minutes. Would you be around today? We have to continue our discussion from the other day. I feel like learning a lot from you and I love discussing with you. Please stick around and I will be back soon. Please don't go, ok. In the meantime, here is an excellent video you may want to watch in the meantime.

    This is really good.


    Why don't you go on IV chat?.

    11-01 11:42 PM
    Please put a 3rd option saying "HELL NO!"