Saturday, June 18, 2011

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  • eb3_nepa
    05-01 02:00 PM
    It is May 1st today, how much did we finally collect?

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  • DariusMonsef
    05-31 04:15 AM

    (I already entered mine, but I was having too much fun so I thought I would just share and inspire the rest of you.)

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  • ashatara78
    03-10 07:40 PM
    The next step should be to reply to the senator mentioning that the data is ambiguous and asking for a more clear response. Is it I-140 or I-485, does it include families etc. etc.

    Also explain to them that based on these numbers, it will take X years for a person to get a GC and that the system needs reform.

    I have worked with a senator's office for a completely different matter and they are very responsive - since you have caught their attention and already have a file open, it will be helpful to respond with a concise letter so that you can get more accurate information.

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  • gc_on_demand
    06-09 04:08 PM
    Call Nowww


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  • andycool
    04-18 04:47 PM
    Dear Friends,

    Got Green cards and Welcome notices for me and my wife .
    Surprisingly no uscis e-mail and online status is still "initial review"

    Our journey in short :

    How long in US : 10+ years

    First Labor in 2002 . Changed job in three years before approval of labor
    Second Labor in 2004 . Approved in 2007
    Filed I140 and 485 - in July 2007

    Since then I was enjoying EAD / AP with no complain .

    I donate to IV now and then , but for some reason only once (for few days) got access to IV-Donor Forum . But always had a faith that IV is doing good work .
    From non-donor IV forums and other forums I noticed that USCIS are transferring leftover Visas to other EB categories . I waited to see some thing coming to EB3 but ......nothing came .
    My Lawyer told me that I can port to EB2 and it is a normal a process.

    1. New Perm
    Filed in Feb and approved in 10 days ( Prep work takes 3 to 4 months before filing )

    2. EB2 I140 (TSC)
    a. Filed in March - Premium Processing
    b. My Lawyer sent interfiling letter along with I140 filing
    c. Approved in 7 days (A# and Priority Date retained)
    d. Same week got Green Cards and Welcome Notices:) - Super-fast Approval
    e. No email and no updates on USCIS website

    Not sure about the USCIS and Lawyer fees . My company paid for every thing.
    Hope every one get the desired freedom asap and don't have to wait like me for 10+ years

    Wish you all the best everyone who is waiting for GC.


    Congrats ..:)

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  • vdlrao
    11-05 10:40 PM
    Not only H1B reform we need G.C process reform also.


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  • GC_1000Watt
    01-08 06:07 PM
    I believe it will be the same old story. They will wait till last quarter and then will waste thousands of visa numbers because of their darn slow processing hands and we people will again start talking optimism from Oct 2010.
    What happened to the IV's talk with USCICS on spillover policies? Does anybody know?

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  • imh1b
    01-21 01:37 PM
    Anti immigration group targets all of the immigration. You can see numbersusa website. There are 2 reasons for the hate towards H1b and L1 program. Fraud and abuse is more in H1b. 20% was found by USCIS. Many fear it could be more. Mainly Indian bodyshopping and consulting companies are main reason. Another reason is many fear that H1b and L1 program is main reason outsourcing. Many big companies laid off US workers and did outsourcing to cut cost and they were asked to give Knowledge transfer to the onsite resources (those who are H1b or L1). Number of jobs in High skilled are very less (may be 2%) compared to low skilled in US. So they think 65k is more in percentage terms. US congress expects that H1b should be used only when no US Workers available. That is the reason there is no support at all at congress to increase H1b Cap. When they put a H1b restriction for TARP companies it was passed uniamously. So if we need EB reform just we need to disassociate or take neutral stand on H1b. They cannot remove H1b as it was with WTO.


    Stop coming and posting in disguise. Don't you have anything better to do in life. Go learn some skills and find a real job. If you think your posts will do anything to us, you are mistaken. We will hate you guys more for your xenophobia


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  • hebbar77
    05-23 04:42 PM
    if you all use little more IQ, you will realize that only with donation/money you will make a difference.
    We all are here to make someone rich(employers, local businesses). So if you can make polititians rich, they will do something for you!
    So stop calling... start donating to IV...

    Let me know if my thought is wrong!

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  • raamskl
    07-19 01:09 PM
    [QUOTE=eagerr2i]As Pappu mentioned, the $ 64,000 figure is not a typo. That indeed is the money that was spent by him individually. Logiclife and others made trips to DC,air travel, hotel etc.. does add up real fast. QUOTE]

    This is amazing and hats off to you guys.

    I am sure lots of people reading these kind of unbelievable recounts here and in the other threads have started contributing (including me). Are you guys getting any kind of numbers back from paypal, on what is the kind of spike that you are seeing in terms of # of people contributing in the last few weeks?

    Has it gone up from say, 100 to 1000? or has the new IV crowd been apathetic so far? A feedback from the core will indicate on what kind of response we have been getting.

    GO IV..



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  • drirshad
    06-11 04:50 AM
    At least for the consultation phase hire a good lawyer, there are scores of lawsuits filed each year but as long there was no life threatening injuries in an accident you can get out of it. This should not be a criminal conviction and should not hurt your gc process. Again I am just assuming the back up ended in some dent to the other persons vehicle or were they walking and you hit them there were injuries involved.

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  • ilwaiting
    07-11 07:36 AM
    By this action USCIS is creating more confusion and dilemma among July 485 filers. Not sure what is going on, but atleast government should atleast be fair in some ways.

    More drama and confusion. Thats all I think.


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  • vipulgoel
    05-01 02:34 PM
    My contribution is also on the way !!!

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  • gjoe
    11-01 03:52 PM
    If we can understand why most of us want a GC we can understand the poll better.
    In my opinion most of us here want the GC because we want to change jobs for better pay, better professional growth, to live in a better place, better work environment, etc, the list can be endless. ( I guess if you don't have all these then you don't have freedom)
    If we can get our GC's no matter with which employer we work as long as we do our job ( as mentioned in our LC) we will not be bothered too much about our GC process ( We are dependent on our employer sponsoriing our GC so we are not independent)

    I can say atleast half of us who are waiting for the GC don't have any ambitions as of now to take active role in building this society, if we really had such we can do that at our home countries too.

    Like someone said in this thread " Reverse Brain Drain " is an empty slogan if we use ourselves call ourselves the brain which America needs to keep it going.


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  • logiclife
    05-01 04:15 PM
    It is May 1st today, how much did we finally collect?

    As of yesterday it was $ 107,246. Will update the action alerts tonight and then shut down the 150K drive.

    Obviously we didnt meet the target. Today is the last day.


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  • Bradman
    11-09 09:54 AM
    I highly doubt that the White called Mr. Bradman abou this name check. white house has other things to worry about that then simply getting ones name check cleared. White has nothing to do with name checks. If it did, my mothers case would have been cleard a long time ago. She is stuck for the past 3 years. She is over 60. i contacted the white house last year. Not even a Thanks for writing form them.

    So if it is true, then Bradman congrats, but if you are just pulling our leg, then not a good thing.

    What you think and suggest is your problem. I know what all i had go through to be where I am today. I did a receive a call on either occasion from the Presidents office. As a matter of fact when I wrote to the FL and the Senators office then too I received calls.

    Keep you subject very precise and on the top of envelop remember to mention "Immigration Assistance". Please use ordinary mail 41 cents stamp and wait and watch.

    All the best !!!!


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  • pncool01
    08-09 05:25 PM

    I received a sms saying that my case status has been updated (weird they sent it @ 9:25 pm PT). I was like here comes another biometrics appointment... but still let's check the status online. To my surprise and by god's grace, case status was changed to "Card/Document Production" (still cannot believe it). I dunno what triggered this but i did contact my Congressman yesterday. My wife's status has also changed to "decision" - should move to "Card production" soon.

    My suggestion to all of you - please don't lose patience and do whatever you can from your end to expedite your case. It's your GC and you've to make sure you get it. Contact I/O, infopass and congressman/senator. Don't expect anything from your lawyers as they only care about money and it is in their best interest to see your case pending (more RFEs, EADs, APs, etc).

    Thanks and all the best to all of you out there still waiting for your GC.

    Congratulations and best of luck to you on this new journey. I was looking through forums today and saw that I have exactly the same issue as you. (even the email text was identical to what you posted). Can you please inform how you spoke to second level IO?
    I plan to contact local congresswoman as well, was there a letter or something you faxed over to them?
    Appreciate the guidance, thank you

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  • dpp
    11-07 02:14 PM
    There is nothing to enforce. If there is any, they would have enforced long back. It is too broad. But increasing fees won't make any sense. They have to correct the law, not imposing higher fees to everyone.

    1.Audit the companies that are suspected to abuse the H1B program i.e. enforce the laws that are already in existence.

    2.Impose heavy fines on these companies.

    3.Use this money to cover the costs of auditing and enforcing the laws.

    How will raising the H1B fees for everyone in a blanket fashion address the current "abuses"?

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  • psczd4
    12-17 01:52 AM
    Thanks pshaikh for your feedbac and ur efforts on creating a thread for tracking..

    05-24 11:59 PM
    I am not working in permanent job. I am also in consulting job. I am not supporting the restrictions. I am giving comments. Some comments were not liked by some IV members and they are suspecting that I am anti immigrant from alipac or numbersusa. But I strongly suspect Indian bodyshoppers and consulting companies used big portion of H1bs, and that might be reason for those restrictions. Till 3 months before everything was going well and all of IV provisions were there in the skil bill and strive. But suddenly Durbin bill was introduced and just a few weeks back they sent a notice to Top most Indian companies about H1b. Whatever reply Indian companies give may create more trouble.So something went terriably wrong in past 3 months. Not even one pro legal immigrant amendment in Senate. I am not seeing anyone working seriously except IV. Immigration lawyers are more bothered about point system and family based immigration system.

    I understand your views and sentiments but you should be outraged too at the CIRcus bill...

    04-18 11:35 AM
    How about this - let us have a couple of volunteers call/email people asking for $25 contribution. If we can get 1/2 of 3000 people contributing $25 each, we will get to about 120K. I am ready to take initiative in this - core group, can I get this initiative going?