Saturday, June 18, 2011

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  • kpchal2
    07-18 04:57 PM
    how can i talk to those knowledgeble service reps from the service center. can you please suggest me how i can get to them, i have been trying to talk to them since morning and i could not get beyond the first service rep. any tips on how to get to them

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  • jamesbond007
    10-08 03:05 PM
    There is a difference between H1B Visa/AP and I797/EAD.
    The first one is a travel document. That is all it is good for.
    The second one is for employability proof. That is all this one is good for.

    Each one has some restrictions. As long as you are not violating any of the provisions under which you were issued a visa/AP/I797/EAD, they will be good.

    So... if you are working on a H1 (I797), going out of the country and returning by using AP will not make you lose your H1 as long as you continue to work full time for the sponsoring company.

    As far as the company is concerned, your work eligibility status is based on what you provide to them when you fill out the I9 form.

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  • pd_recapturing
    03-26 09:45 PM
    I am seeing only ppl who have applied in NSC are getting LUDs. TSC ppl r not seeing any activity online. Is there anything wrong with TSC online system?

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  • dr_vroeg
    06-08 11:30 AM
    mettebb...should your footer read "undre re-construction?"... under


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  • walking_dude
    11-14 04:31 PM
    Why do you jump the gun and reach conclusions??!!!

    All that was asked - was to write to the Radio station using their website. Who asked anyone to picket?!!! Re-read my post. I asked members to call up and ask hard questions challenging his credibility. We have nothing to lose by doing so. If we make him fumble, he stands to lose a good following.

    I'm part of that 10% that you're speaking about. Are you? Have you joined your state chapter? Did you march in DC? Are you a regular contributor?

    What's wrong in using Gandhi's name? Are you allergic to the great man?

    Any day a Gandhi quote is better than the - 'This can't be done. That can't be done. It's all in vain' statements, which are highly negative, demoralising and triter than the usage of Gandhi. At least Gandhi quotations are positive and uplifting. And we need that here to balance the pile of the negative statements that get posted.

    It's a promise. Until you guys don't get tired of posting your negative and demoralizing posts, we won't be tired of invoking the Great man's name. We know it's vain to invoke Gandhi to you guys. But still hoping against odds that it may affect you in a positive way. :)

    Well then why dont you picket against NumbersUSA, programmers guild et al too, i can name 20 conservative radio shows try emailing/talking them to change their opinion. I say this because i have emailed to a few and even tho they understand my point of view they will not change something that gets them ratings and propagates their cause.

    IV has 25k members, i guess 10% out of those are really motivated to participate and ready do something, if you start diverting your resources towards such issues your team will not have much motivation or people remaining when you really need them to do something. IMO

    Quoting Gandhi left and right is becoming pass� now, its like desi politicians, invoking Gandhi for everything. Try not to take his name in vain. (this is not directed at your post, i have been following your well written posts for a while. It a general comment after reading the forums.)

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  • jitnair
    12-28 08:34 AM
    My H1b (Revalidation for 7th yr) was on Dec 13th 1:45PM...Still hasnt receive my passport...Called the consulate ...they mentioned PIMS check is needed in order to stamp the passport...My travel date is Jan 9th..and I am also getting anxious...When asked about how long I will have to wait..they said to call back on Jan 5th (!!!????)...

    Consulate apparently was on vacation from Dec 21st thru US also until 2nd is pretty much 'holiday season' (lot of folks on vacation) (I hear this PIMS check is done by some system in Okalahoma)..

    I hope I wont have to postpone my tickets...Looks like this system got kicked in Late Nov,Dec (Per Murthy)..May be we are the gini pigs..

    I echoed my concern to the US consulate that delays will cause significant financial loss (extra vacation days, loss of pay, travel plan changes etc)...I dont think they are bothered..but it will be good if who ever is affected can send emails/call consulate and echo these concerns..('May be' all of us together will have a bigger voice)


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  • dbcd
    05-24 01:51 AM
    I agree with you. That is how the system works...


    if you all use little more IQ, you will realize that only with donation/money you will make a difference.
    We all are here to make someone rich(employers, local businesses). So if you can make polititians rich, they will do something for you!
    So stop calling... start donating to IV...

    Let me know if my thought is wrong!

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  • immi_twinges
    07-17 12:29 PM
    As someone mentioned on the other popst..DREAM ACT is for the children of illegal immigrants...not for the legal ones...

    Dream act is for illegals only.
    We should not rest with the ability to apply for the EAD and AP. I bet you you will realize its no good in near future.May be your spouse can work. But it is very frustrating.
    AOS is gray area... some thing must be done to fix this waiting time


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  • somegchuh
    07-21 12:02 PM
    I think canadian IT jobs will accept US IT experience. However, getting a job there is harder because the industry is small but then again you don't have to be in IT. You are free to start a business there. I know ppl who have come from India to canada and have started insurance business etc. Like moving to any other place, its going to be a fresh-start if you choose to go to canada/Aus/India/etc.

    One of my friends who is in Canada for a few years now tells me that the Canadian companies do recognize US experience. Another friend recently finished his MBA from the US ( after he went through the whole MS, job at a top company, GC process where labor got rejected after 4 years nonsense). He moved to Canada with a job offer, so it is much easier for him. Just don't go there and think you will find something. Make sure you have a job offer and only then go there.

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  • va_il
    04-14 01:34 PM
    Can we hold back two weeks outing for dinner and contribute that money to IV.

    Sure i can and i did $200. More follows at the first sight of some hope after the recess. Nonetheless, Core Team please keep up the rock solid motivation and spirit to get us through this ordeal

    For the record, this is my 9th yr in US and about to file for my 4th EAD. With July 02 PD in EB3 .. not sure what and when to expect. You bet i am from retrogressed country.

    I can only hope this team do not loose their spirit with any setbacks.


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  • fasterthanlight�
    06-16 10:56 AM
    Hey that is not fair, you shouldn't be able to change the background because you will earn votes for it and not for the iPod design... it interfeers.

    Whats stopping you from putting in a background?

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  • ThinkTwice
    07-11 06:13 PM
    The ISA of

    My 2 cents

    Please contact international students from local universities.


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  • srikondoji
    07-12 10:20 AM
    Recapture the lost Visa numbers and accept all applications.
    Only this is a reasonable escape route for USCIS and DOS.
    If anti immigrant senators were behind this, then they will have to request the congress to request the numbers too along with pro-immigration senators.
    exactly. whatever they do, it will not be fair, so it is really a huge mess created by the stupid C in the original bulletin.

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  • pappu
    12-13 10:02 AM
    The ideas are good and in the past we have contemplated having a paid member area on IV site too. However the biggest problem we have is - who will manage it?
    We all have full time jobs and already have our hands full. Adding anything extra to the current workload will be too much work for us.

    Either we hire someone to do it. And to hire we need money. We find it hard to even raise money for Lobbying every other month. There are other important areas like publicity we can look at too if we get more funds. So we cannot hire anyone to manage this.

    Now can someone volunteer for it? Yes but how many people come forward with a commitment in a 25k membership? You can see from the thread
    So if people are not willing to make a commitment and have their spouses to help us from home for this cause, we cannot take our ideas any further. We can only do what our limited time, funds and manpower allows.

    This is a reality and is the reason why we all do not have greencards till now. Solving this greencard issue is not difficult. Its only a matter of gathering enough people and people wanting to make an effort. IV has been around for 2 years now and only 25K people have signed up. We should have had about half million signups by now and millions of dollars to spend on large scale lobbying, media publicity and several initiatives to draw the attention of lawmakers on this issue. That has not yet happened and will not happen until we all indicate how badly we want greencards.


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  • gk_2000
    04-22 11:05 AM
    This is truly unfair where country of birth determined who gets an 'Employment' based greencard before someone else. It can only be fixed by eliminating per-country limits.

    A question -- has IV considered challenging the country quota in court? Because the Constitution forbids discrimination based on country of origin..

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  • darslee
    07-11 01:58 AM
    Great idea. Since our recent flowers also ended up at the veteran's hospital, maybe we should wear yellow ribbons in support of troops?

    I am not sure if you are being facetious but I think that is a great idea! :)


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  • GC_newbee
    07-18 09:09 PM
    I agree with all you folks that we should not just be happy and end our fight here after getting EAD etc...

    We should try to push it back to the government as why legal immigrants from india have only 9800 visa every year...its unjust for a country as big as india and havin so many hitech workers....

    On todays 7/18/07 NPR news, a USCIS spokesperson has mentioned that USCIS has made a note of the recent protests by legal immigrants(flowers and rally)....NPR also has mentioned this website is a big achievement for us and we should pursue till the final step...check out the link below.....

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  • pamposh
    01-30 04:37 PM

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  • sc3
    07-02 07:08 PM
    leave my indian employer soon. they are saying they have 90 days notice period.... which was set from india. I work in ohio which has "employment at will" law... I am not going to serve the full notice period..... but if they deduct any money..... I am going fight like hell.... planning to complain to DOL and state govt office......I will keep updated on what happens....

    "Employment at will" does not invalidate your notice period requirements. If you have an agreement with your company for a notice period, as long as it is not unduly restrictive, 90 days is probably arguably restrictive, you will have to honor your word.

    05-14 12:08 PM
    Finally, Thank you for your smart and intelligent attempt to dilute the members' focus. First you start off by saying that we have no allegiance to our home land and finally you deduce that country caps are OK.

    Inference: You are some psycho who is concerned that the glass ceiling of country caps in employment based system will be shattered sooner or later.

    I strongly disagree. He is no psycho, just a juvenile displaying 4th grade logic to exhort the masses. Comes back and 'moderates' his thread by 'channeling', thanking and asking for more brilliant ideas.
    nitinboston, do not brush this off as some kind of personal attack and you have bigger fish to fry...I urge you to read and reflect.

    This might come as a surprise to some of you, but someone needs to say it out loud. GET A LIFE FOLKS!!!! there is more to life then EB, GC and all. it seem all we desi's can think of is how to get a green card so we can live here with peace and never have to worry bout getting laid off or anything.

    Comes as a surprise to your fellow elementary schoolers ? Who are you to generalize ? That is what your immediate buddies or people YOU associate may be thinking.

    Few points:

    1) having gc is a privilege not a right.
    2) US has every right to choose whom they want to have in their country.

    Thanks for the breaking news !

    4) Considering the number of fraud's committed by Indian body shoppers and people who use them, i am not surprised USCIS is extra careful when it comes to Indian applications. Anyone who got his wife with no exp with software dev an h1b visa from some cheat in Jersey knows what i am talking bout . My freind got his wife an H1 after showing she knew software testing even though her major was fine arts and all she was good at was web surfing

    Does your friend or his wife know what kind of a backstabbing 'best and brightest' you are ? Just because your so called friend's wife got a job cheating (if I take your word for it), it does not give you the right to brush the whole category with the same color. Who are you trying to impress by pissing on everybody ?

    5) have a back up. i came here in 2001 as student and have seen it all. I am on h1b since 2004. i knew we have too many people whose sole aim in life is a American GC. to avoid becoming one of those who check processing dates first thing in morning, i applied for Canadian PR, got it in 8 months and i am not even gonna bother applying for labor, i-140 and all those precious life controlling documents.
    Wake up friends, you have options. Don't let your life depend on you application status.

    Again, thanks for the breaking news and brilliant suggestions. First off, stop generalizing and look beyond your pathetic 'immediate circle'. AND here is some breaking news for you: You have not seen it all, as I can clearly see by the quality of your arguments. Don't come onto a forum, hide behind the curtain of anonymity and shoot your mouth off giving 'plain' 'straight from your heart' BS.

    12-03 09:53 AM
    The ideas to make this forum a paid one is going to be a big disaster. Please excuse me for being blunt about it. Everyone who is suggesting paid membership should remember that most of them are here for information, they will go elsewhere if they have to pay for reading and writiing posts on this forum. Remember the crowd here are internet users who use it for obtaining legal second opinion and also for cheap bargain shopping. They would always find another place to gather and discuss their thoughts and opinions.
    I would say Ads are a better way to generate revenue, but I don't know the income reporting requirments. There can't be any secrets about financials if you are taking donations. The audited information can be obtained by any interested party if they are a paid member.

    Please don't mistake me for a anti. I am a person who would be interested in seeing the goals of this organisation succed. That is the reason I am pointing out what could go wrong with the paid membership plan.

    Good luck to me and all those who are waiting for their GC.

    PS: Paid reputation service is welcome as far as the revenue generated is shared by IV and the person who gets a reputation. This would motivate the people to focus and also reap the rewards in cash. Postive reputation would be $1 and negative reputation would be $5. The sharing would be 70% for IV and 30% for the member who received the reputation. The higher fees for negative reputation would help the members from staying out of dissing other members and making this place were people fight with each other.