Saturday, June 18, 2011

amor y otras adicciones

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  • somegchuh
    07-20 01:25 PM
    Ok, so here are some more thoughts ... obviously we are all stuck in our current positions and we are worried about the future. Unless, we do something to be prepared we won't be better off when we get our GC's? Given where most of us are I think we have two options:
    1. Advance your education (MBA/PM/certifications etc.)
    2. Start a business.

    I would like to hear from everyone who has or wants to start a business.
    1. Have you thought of starting a business?
    2. What does it take to start a business while on H1B
    3. Is it worth the effort not knowing if/when you will get the green card. Remember starting a business is not a short-term goal.
    4. Are there businesses that cross borders i.e. we can continue to run the business even if we have to leave the US?

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  • eb2waiter
    05-24 02:36 PM
    to implement the software for this bill ?

    Did you know they built the border wall using illegals.

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  • hebbar77
    10-10 01:43 PM
    People who want to put FD(fixed deposit), try FDs related to NRE accounts. It gives higher return+ you can get the money back to $$.

    Always good to stick to nationalised banks! Private banks offer better interest rate, but one fine day you might end up searching for a branch to get your money back.

    2011 De Amor y Otras Adicciones amor y otras adicciones. De amor y otras adicciones
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  • greenmonster
    08-04 09:58 PM
    I am a July 2007 filer, so far i have never got finger prints on my EAD. First time i did not get a FP notice. I scheduled an info pass appointment and got my FP notice.. gave FP in Feb 2008. I got my first EAD in Oct 2007.

    My latest EAD ( approved Jul 2010) does not have the finger prints on it. Last time I gave my FP was in June 2009 ( Notice sent by USICS ). Is that something to worry? Is it related to NC ?


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  • The7zen
    03-11 12:14 PM
    No offense to the OP and Thanks for posting this, but this thread is kind of diverting us from some of the efforts currently in progress, we are again playing the prediction game.
    Lets contribute to the FOIA funding drive and get the right information.


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  • Saikrishna
    07-19 11:25 AM
    Thanks to GOD for helping him in order to help us regarding with all our immigration problem...

    Sure and will do some contribution (on this website)soon to him and IV core team for their fruitless efforts.

    ONE REQUEST FOR EVERYONE - Please contribute some money from your pockets to Aman ASAP and make him happy...



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  • thescadaman
    01-31 02:24 PM

    2010 De amor y otras adicciones amor y otras adicciones. OTROS TÍTULOS: De Amor Y Otras
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  • eager_immi
    02-14 07:58 AM
    Since you don't have faith in IV and don't want to contribute...what are you doing here? When and If IV acheives result will you then remove money from your wallet? Also, ur goals other than getting ur green card does not match with IV's goal, so stop using "we" say "i".

    No problem you can feel exactly how you want...i think the issues you and others have is beacuse u want to know what is happening with the funds. I agree on that point that we all come from india and having faith in any charity org is hard. But, you have to think beyond your myopic view. These people just like you have a full time job,they are equally frustrated with GC process and they have a lot to loose if they are caught in a criminal activities. So, tell me why would they throw away all that they have worked for to get a few thousand dollars from you all.People get shocked saying where did the 200K go? Please give me a break don't most H1B earn really high salary. If you are prudent and a good saver you can easily save that money in a few years time.

    So now would you have enough faith to arrange a cultural event. I like your idea but would you step up. Or is that for IV to do to pass your cause ... getting your green card. Man you are some manupalative B.

    Ok, if advertising is too far-fetched, then hold some cultural events and make money on those. Brainstorm with members to find other ways to make money. People are not going to contribute. That is the writing on the wall. There is lack of trust and lack of faith in IV. IV will have to figure out ways to generate cash from other things than member contributions. If I remember correctly, people contributed nearly $200K and have got nothing to show for that.

    These suggestions are because you think money is the issue. I don't think it is. It's the lack of good leadership. That is my opinion and it was point of my original posting. Lack of money is being blamed wrongly. But may be I am wrong.

    Attack my ideas and not me. Then we can have a debate conducive to achieving our goals.


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  • neverbefore
    08-19 03:46 PM
    ((Frustration + Malice - Grace) * Jealousy) ^ (Low linguistic skills) = This post


    Why are you so PROUD to be an American? Just be happy for it...its just your need so that you can live in this country for as many year as you want and of course its good achievement and i am happy for you, you just lived here for 10+ yrs and you forgot your Home country where you were born and gave you a good education with you had an opportunity to come here and make your life based on should be PROUD of that country no matter where you go and what you achieve its all because of you Home Country

    If you are form INDIA then you should say "Mera Barath Mahan" first and then "God Bless America"

    Many Congrats!! to you on your American Citizenship Good Luck!!

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  • days_go_by
    08-01 02:36 PM
    While we are at it let me throw this in....
    Assuming you decide to persue MBA from a good university instead of online. What kind of investment of time and money are you looking at? Is it really worth the investment when you are already in your 30's? Is is worth spending the time and money on a MBA? If you spend the same time/money on a business opportunity wouldn't that be better in the longer run? Is it practical to start a business when you are in the 7th/8th/9th year of H1b with no idea if/when you will get GC? Is it a safer bet to invest in education?

    In my opnion starting your own business is always a good idea, of course with uncertainities with GC process it is another risk added to the enterprise.

    In my opinion, doing an MBA from a good school can open up doors to further growth in a comapny. With jsut technical skills it can get stagnated.
    Age should not be a restraint, but with age comes other responsibilities of familiy etc, those could be more limiting.

    I think doing MBA from a good institute is good idea, India is really humming and has lot of growth opportunities for MBAs.


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  • needhelp!
    05-23 03:06 PM
    How many of you have actually talked to the lawmakers? Its always the assistant!

    Some of us Have actually talked to a few lawmakers. But one or two or five won't do, how many of us have the determination to do what it takes??

    hot De Amor y Otras Adicciones amor y otras adicciones. del amor y otras adicciones. Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart
  • del amor y otras adicciones. Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart

  • letstalklc
    09-11 11:04 AM
    Hi All

    Where u take SBI or ICICI they will not tell you the date on which the actually transaction was taken place. Yes its right that they keep money with them for 2-3 days and remit only when they see that exchange rate will increase.

    I have used both, in my personal opinion SBI offers good rate than ICICI.

    Again, this may be not correct because we don't know the time they update their web site to reflect the current exchange rate.

    I know ICICI not good in terms of every thing, I had very very bad experience with them couple of times, then I have switched to SBI 3 years ago, now I am using SBI NRI account as well as their GLS services to transfer money.

    Coming back to conversation rate, SBI will update only once in the morning and will give you that rate on the day money will be transferred into your INDIA account (Normally 5th working day), I have checked lot of times to confirm the same and every time it is correct so far (3+years).

    Now a days they have also opened customer support with toll free no, where you can call them from here.....which is really good....


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  • desi485
    02-11 01:09 PM

    I did a quick search and did not find answer to this. Apologise if this is a repost.

    But a co-worker of mine wants to travel on AP. After coming back, he will join my company (right now he is a contractor) as a perm employee on H1. Is it possible and allowed? Can he transfer H1 after using AP?

    Our company attorney confirmed that his H1B will remain valid even after using AP. But she is not sure about transfer. I will post her reply once she gets back to him. But in meantime, if anyone has any idea about this, please share.

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  • arunkotte
    08-14 10:31 AM
    Please read page 2 of Yates memo (Refer link). The Initial evidence "Annual report", "Tax return", and "Audited financial statement" map to "Employment of the beneficiary", "Net income" and "Net current assets" respectively.

    My 140 is approved today. Tax returns can be used to show the net current assets satisfy the ability to pay criteria. May sure you back it up with some good explaination.


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  • NKR
    09-25 04:21 PM
    Thanks Lasantha for all your help. Even after getting your green card you continue to participate and help others in this struggle. That is Great. For the sake of disclosure here are some of the messages you left for other members. I think that these messages are extremely abusive and very harsh as compared to the message left for you. Although we do not encourage the use of words like moron, stupid, idiot, we see these words being used often on the forum.

    Lasantha 02:39, 23rd Sep 2007 -23 Ass hole !!!
    Lasantha 10:59, 14th Nov 2007 -27 Eat Crap you bastard!
    Lasantha 00:54, 19th Nov 2007 -27 DUMBASS YOURSELF!!!
    Lasantha 17:03, 5th Dec 2007 -28 WTF
    Lasantha 18:05, 14th Jan 2008 -39 WTF is wrong with you?
    Lasantha 16:06, 11th Mar 2008 -45 Wacko???
    Lasantha 21:29, 18th Mar 2008 -52 what the fuck???

    You be the judge the let us know if you want to know the user who left you that remark. We will go ahead and post that on this thread. And for the sake of fairness, we will also post the members for whom you left the above messages. You be the judge and decide.

    Thanks for your understanding.

    I notice that all the remarks have been made before he/she got his/her GC. It is amazing to know what impact GC makes on a person�s state of mind. Waiting forever for GC is damn frustrating.

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  • aadimanav
    10-16 04:23 PM
    bump :p

    How do I find out that I am "suffering" from namecheck? :confused:

    PD: EB3 --> April 2004 --> India
    I-140 Approved.
    I-485 Received on July 2, 2007
    Fingerprinting --> DONE


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  • zCool
    02-27 08:33 PM
    Substitution is excluded. In fact a few ppl did pay 1000$ regardless and lost money.. Nebraska center is taking it's own sweet time..

    girlfriend De amor y otras adicciones amor y otras adicciones. amor y otras adicciones.
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  • logiclife
    05-01 04:15 PM
    It is May 1st today, how much did we finally collect?

    As of yesterday it was $ 107,246. Will update the action alerts tonight and then shut down the 150K drive.

    Obviously we didnt meet the target. Today is the last day.


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  • aj1234567
    07-16 12:46 PM

    07-11 12:45 PM
    Sorry- I think it is already being addressed. My bad.

    Yes, it is. However, California is hot and tech companies are a bunch of dorks in jeans ;)

    All kidding aside, we are preparing to be as smart as possible, whilst surviving a 3 hour march in 90 degree heat

    03-13 11:15 AM
    If this bulletin is true I guess the guy at this link has predicted properly.

    I still don't believe these dates.