Wednesday, June 29, 2011

2011 bet awards logo

images 2011 BET Awards Red Carpet 2011 bet awards logo. daughter Reginae. Pictures
  • daughter Reginae. Pictures

  • bsbawa10
    09-11 06:43 AM
    Did you try this campaign?

    Matthew Oh has posted an appeal to USCIS to make sure no visa number is wasted , in light of the grim October bulletin.

    If he can make an appeal, why are we not making an effort for our own good?I still see TSC giving some approvals very slowly. NSC just sucks. I believe NSC did all this in retaliation to the faxes people sent in to complain slow processing, which were very justified faxes.

    I see some accusations labelled at me about selfish EB2 motives. This is not about EB2. Even if dates are current, NSC is sleeping from last week of August. We cannot just allow them to arbitrarily close the gate whenever they want. People are allowed to file 485s till Sep 30. Consular processing applicants will go through. We, I485 pending applicants will just watch like idiots. The issue here is to make USCIS work on basis of visa bulletin, which is what they are supposed to do. Someday after say re-capture bill passes, say Eb3 is current. Then, what guarantee is there that NSC will not repeat the same fiasco?

    I fully appreciate the need to direct efforts towards re-capture bill. But, this issue is equally important.

    I am totally furstrated by the lack of mobilization in this direction. I request everybody to so something in the remaining 20 days.
    I wrote letter to Zoe, I am going to write to more congressmen. But yes, I am also frustrated by lack of mobilization. I am strongly against sending flower compaign. USCIS does not deserve flowers. It deserves demand for resignation of every slack person in there.

    Can any one of us survive in our jobs for 5 days even if we do the kind of arbitrary/inconsistent/random actions like USCIS does ?

    wallpaper daughter Reginae. Pictures 2011 bet awards logo. 2011 BET Awards Nominees
  • 2011 BET Awards Nominees

  • brb2
    02-04 11:58 PM
    Having diversity AND country quota for skilled employment is affirmative action gone waco. EB skilled immigration is to allow businesses to hire foreign labor for jobs they can't find American Citizens. Now to restrict businesses to discriminate based on the country of birth is just riduculous. Next do Universities apply affirmative action to their international student recruitement?

    Indians and Chinese make up the largest group of international students in Engineering and Science. US citizens make up less than 50% of those graduating in Science and Engineering in Master's and PhD programs. Now businesses should not be penalized if they can't fill their highly skilled jobs with Iranians and Tongans and any other ROW countries.

    We have a diversity lottery for nationals of those countries who would not make it out on merit and need a leg up. There may be a few Indian consulting companies who favor Indians, but they are the people who pay wages and know best. Similarly just because Americans prefer to buy Japanese cars we can't create an "affirmative action" and prevent americans from buying Japanese cars. We can't prevent walmart from stocking chinese products. So why force employers not to hire Indians and Chinese through creating quotas for highly skilled jobs?

    No meaningful immigration reforms can be achieved as long as skilled immigration is based on country quotas. Next we know there will be quotas for marrying foreigners to add to diversity. If you marry a mexican there is retrogression but if you marry a citizen of Vanuatu then green card is processed in ROW:)

    I was just making my point how ridiculous it is to have quotas for skilled immigration but not for others including asylum cases.

    How do you come to these conclusions what congress intended. AC21's main provisions were to recapture unused visas for certain years; extend h-1b beyond six years; allow someone to change a job after 485 pending for more then six months; allow unused visas to be allocated to oversubscribed countries on a quarterly basis rather then in the fourth quarter.

    Above is what was changed. There was no lifting of country cap. If you go to the earlies visa bulletins listed; you will see that Dominican Republic at one time was retrogressed. I haven't looked at it in a long time but if someone goes to the historical visa bulletins pre ac21 then you may see significant movement in retrogressed countries in the fourth quarter of uscis fiscal year (july to september). This is what changed.

    However, the ac21 part about unused visas only stipulated if in any quarter there were less applicants then visas available then spillover can happen in that quarter. However, as can be seen in 2005 that weasn't the case and there shouldn't have been spillover.

    In another posting you mentioned that your employer doesn't care whether you are Indian or chines or pakistani or anything else. This is true they want you for your skill. However, how did you get into USA. Chinese generally go to school here and will work wherever they get a job. However, Indian nationals have designed a system to get their realitves here through h-1b. Selective recrutiing is performed to get fellow compatriates here that couldn't otherwise get here becuase they have no connections. I ask some of my clients how they get employees. They tell me they are sponsoring their classmates, their cousins, etc. for h-1b.

    Therefore, you may think it is not fair; and perhaps it is not fair but perhaps government knows that certain systems have been designed and they value diversity.

    In business definition a skilled worker is not someone with two years of experience, a bachelors or even a masters. A skilled worker is someone with substantial experience. That is 15 years and makes $200K to $300K. Employment base immigration is just an accomodation to allow a certain number of people into USA. In my mind it is just an accomodation or goodwill.

    If the EB system was designd to attract the best and brightest minds; skilled worker definition or eb2 or eb3 definition would have a much different meaning and would follow business rather then USCIS definition. It would be much different. There would be no quota. It would follow normal business practicses. That is we, can't find a us citizen or greencard holder and we need you. In real business sens it would be an offer, acceptance and you would start in a couple of months. However, it doesn't follow normal business rules/practices because maybe the powers that be look at it as just an accomodation rather then a real necessity.

    2011 bet awards logo. 2011 BET Awards announcements
  • 2011 BET Awards announcements

  • diptam
    09-08 12:03 AM
    Wooo... wah ...wah.. wah .. great Sherman... Is this what you mean ??

    You dont care about Jobs being internationally outsourced but you do care about a guy sitting next to you and delivering better output than you... That means you fear competition OR you dont like a guy sitting next to you because he is a Macaca... ??
    What ever option you choose it defeats America !! And still want to call yourself patriotic American ? America is the land of best and brightest - its the competition and drive which keeps a free,Capitalist society alive...

    By the way you still didn't provide me the source how 75% folks are having under-grad degree and what % of that is in S/T/Engg/Math ....

    Dont hesitate to respond - we all know the answer. Just want to hear from you.

    Jobs in America is for Americans. If at all it gets outsourced to your country then it is yours. But as long as that job is in my country, I will defend it and not let some Strive or Skill act take it away from me.

    2011 2011 BET Awards Nominees 2011 bet awards logo. et awards 2010 date With all
  • et awards 2010 date With all

  • eb3_nepa
    04-20 10:59 AM
    This might be the wrong thread, but did the Philly Inquirer ad, generate more members at all to IV? Any kinda increase at all?


    2011 bet awards logo. 2011 BET Awards Nominees
  • 2011 BET Awards Nominees

  • newbie2020
    02-27 12:40 PM

    We can setup a Conference call next week Wednesday 3/4/09 8:30PM EST

    Here is the bridge info for folks interested in joining

    Bridge number: +1 218 339 2626
    Passcode: 245906

    Bridge can accomodate upto 150 people.

    Great! are you willing to lead?

    2011 bet awards logo. 2011 BET Awards Nominees
  • 2011 BET Awards Nominees

  • alterego
    09-07 10:58 PM
    After hearing this, do you think our folks will sit quiet. We will do whatever it takes to makes sure that American jobs stays American.
    By god grace , we will make sure that Strive act does not pass. Especially, the portion that talks about employment based category.

    What an intellectually bankrupt person you are. If in 25 yrs time, someone who would bring skills that improve America's economic competitiveness and strengthens this country's overall quality of life is being brought here by a Lear jet, why would I crib over that, saying I only came in first class? I would roll out the red carpet, it would not be about me, it is about what that person is bringing and the need for it here that determines this. What don't you get in that?
    You are just demonstrating your ignorance over and over again.


    2011 bet awards logo. 2010 Bet Awards – Nicki Minaj
  • 2010 Bet Awards – Nicki Minaj

  • gcsim
    07-06 03:54 PM

    I just read article in times of india regarding aur drive to send flowers to USCIS.So its good we are already getting media coverage.

    all the best

    2010 2011 BET Awards announcements 2011 bet awards logo. 2011 BET Awards Red Carpet
  • 2011 BET Awards Red Carpet

  • seahawks
    09-08 02:12 AM
    good work Sherman_tribiani, i am watching this group of "highly skilled job stealer� for sometime. they merely talk and do nothing. most of them r scared to do anything. they r scared of u & me. they r not scared when they steal our jobs and we will scare the hell out these ba$tard$ to make them do in their pants before we kick them out. gheen told me about this group and he also said that not to waste my time on these job stealers as they r weak and incapable of doing anything, other than stealing our jobs and outsourcing.

    I agree with you in one thing, "don't waste your time" here. Gain knowledge, empower yourself, compete and watch capitalism at its best!


    2011 bet awards logo. Hmm…: The 2011 BET Awards
  • Hmm…: The 2011 BET Awards

  • anreddy77
    07-17 07:10 PM
    great job group IV.

    Contributed $100

    Order Details - Jul 17, 2007 18:17 GMT-04:00
    Google Order #763084488832035

    hair et awards 2010 date With all 2011 bet awards logo. At The 2011 BET Awards
  • At The 2011 BET Awards

  • Daisy
    04-19 12:43 PM
    I have emailed my details to


    2011 bet awards logo. year#39;s BET Awards with a
  • year#39;s BET Awards with a

  • sureshp246
    05-16 09:43 PM
    I am seriously worried about the bill S.1035 which is going to intoduced in the senate. Does this bill have any impact on the Masters students up here? I will be graduating this summer.

    hot 2011 BET Awards Nominees 2011 bet awards logo. 2011 BET Awards Nominees
  • 2011 BET Awards Nominees

  • amits
    03-06 11:53 AM
    Thanks for your kind words and many thanks for the initiative!

    Amit, You are really a great asset to community. Thanks for all your support. This will be a good motivation for others.

    Guys, we are going really well. We need to make this happen. Yes, we can!


    house maddi February 14, 2011 85 2011 bet awards logo. 2011 BET Awards Nominees
  • 2011 BET Awards Nominees

  • coolmanasip
    08-22 02:32 PM
    :DWhy are u late to the party man?:D All the booze is gone...:D:D

    Awasome comment......all Booze is gone and everyone is lateral looks full of GC stars hahahahaha......:D

    tattoo 2011 BET Awards Nominees 2011 bet awards logo. The 2011 BET Awards are set to
  • The 2011 BET Awards are set to

  • sundarpn
    11-19 11:43 PM
    I got my passport renewed via mail service from your consulate.

    In my new passport, I noticed that "Given name"contains both my first name and middle name, while "Surname" contains only my last name.

    In my old passport, "Surname" contained both my Last and Middle name while Given name contained only my first name.

    Is this a problem? If yes, what should I do to get this corrected?

    My current I-94 has given name and surname per OLD passport. I plan to got for h1b visa stamping soon. (revalidation)


    pictures 2010 Bet Awards – Nicki Minaj 2011 bet awards logo. M.I at BET 2010 Awards 2011
  • M.I at BET 2010 Awards 2011

  • diptam
    09-07 10:55 PM
    Please also make sure that while you are fighting against STRIVE act and choke employment based category AMERICAN jobs dont silently go away to SANGHAI / BANGALORE / VANCOUBER

    :D :D :D

    After hearing this, do you think our folks will sit quiet. We will do whatever it takes to makes sure that American jobs stays American.
    By god grace , we will make sure that Strive act does not pass. Especially, the portion that talks about employment based category.

    dresses 2011 BET Awards Nominees 2011 bet awards logo. 2011 Bet Awards: New Boyz
  • 2011 Bet Awards: New Boyz

  • LostInGCProcess
    12-10 01:43 AM
    You sound like a cold rock.

    Have mercy, just for the tiny moment when she was giving birth to a child. If you don't know what the pain is like, may be you can ask your mom to enlighten you.

    You are a jerk, get a life man!!!!!

    Thanks for posting the link.

    1.4.6 A pregnant inmate shall not be restrained while in labor, while giving birth, or during the post-partum recovery period, unless requested by attending medical staff or as specifically directed by the Warden. If restraints are necessary in any manner under such conditions, they should be the least restrictive type possible to remain consistent with sound security practices.

    So the warden can still order restraints.


    makeup Hmm…: The 2011 BET Awards 2011 bet awards logo. maddi February 14, 2011 85
  • maddi February 14, 2011 85

  • uma001
    08-14 03:44 PM
    That is cool. By the way, do you have to pay lagaan to US govt, I mean taxes on your kheti-baadi?

    I am already paying tax on my mortgage, I dont want to pay extra taxes for growing vegetables in my own backyard.

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  • Get deals on CMT Music Awards

  • pappu
    03-10 09:47 AM

    hairstyles year#39;s BET Awards with a 2011 bet awards logo. BET Awards 2010 Afterparty w/
  • BET Awards 2010 Afterparty w/

  • sammyb
    11-16 08:24 PM
    With Thanksgiving right around the corner lets take the time to thank IV for all the successes we have had so far and for all the hardwork that has been put into this cause. Let's make a Holiday contribution to IV. Please join me in this effort. Let's all contribute. Cheers

    wish you all a happy holiday season ahead :)...

    07-06 03:54 PM

    I just read article in times of india regarding aur drive to send flowers to USCIS.So its good we are already getting media coverage.

    all the best

    11-28 03:08 PM
    Please contribute $ NOW, and make your EAD-to-GC ride shorter and smoother! Trust me, being on the same route for 10 years is less exciting than it seems!